Friday, April 17, 2009

My Web 2.0 journey...

13 Things/Learning 2.0 course is sadly at its end. And one of the last task is to share my thoughts about my journey to discover Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and its implications for the library's future.

I think as librarians, we seemed to have integrated the 2.0 phenomenon into our daily lives without even thinking about it. From all the exercises required for this class, I found out that at some point, whether regularly or not, I have been using most of the applications associated with Web/Library 2.0. I think this has a lot to do with librarians' intimate relationship with the information process, from creation, documention, retrieval and usage.

Yes, libraries are indeed changing. Maybe not with its core mission, but definitely with the way we reach our patrons. There are times when the "fastness" of how we want to do things creates a feeling of sadness in me. Only because we sometimes forget to savor whatever it is that we acquire and learn in the process.

Undoubtedly, I would be utilizing a lot of the freebies that I have discovered in this class. The library I am in right now does not have a lot when it comes to funding, but we have a lot to share. Learning as I did of the various ways to make this possible, I can now try and reach more potential users, maybe even reach those who would not mind donating some time and expertise in putting our tiny library on the map.

My thanks to everyone who made this class possible. Though I've had to do it on my very little spare time, I definitely learned a lot and it gave me avenues to pursue so I can continue learning.

language learning thru podcast

I find podcasts very interesting. And Rebecca's right, there seems to be a podcast of just about everything out there.
I used Podcast Alley for this exercise and found all these podcasts on italian language (well, just about most languages really). This could prove to be an alternative to going to school or buying that foreign language software. Of course, one would need to verify the accuracy of the podcast (I'm not exactly sure how), to make sure that what I would be learning is correct.
Using podcasts also elliminates the strain on one's eyes associated with reading, whether from printed matter of straight off the computer screen. Plus hearing someone talk gives one a feeling of connectedness, somewhat to the person speaking, making the exchange (though one way) a bit more personal.
In some of my MLIS class, professors have been using podcasts to deliver their lectures. For me this is definitely more effective than just reading lecture notes. Being in fully-only program, its always great to hear the professors voice. It gives me a feeling of involvement in the class and provides a better impression of what the professor is like since we're missing the face-to-face component of a traditional classroom scene.

libraries @ youtube

I have seen numerous postings on youtube relating to libraries and they have all been very informational. This is a great and inexpensive (read, free!) way to advertise library events and services. It can also be a great orientation tool for incoming students (for school and universities), and a professor can also post a video of a class lecture. Talk about not ever having to set foot in a classroom... A video is almost always a better way to communicate a message across.

Admittedly, my first usage of youtube is mostly for music videos. I found a lot of hard to find music from this site. Sure there's a lot of junk, but such is the nature of the web and not just for youtube. Lately, I have found movies posted on youtube in parts... some taken down by management for violating copyright, but still a lot of them are out there. Makes me wonder how we're going to really get ahead of piracy. Youtube can only do so much in trying to regulate postings from millions of users.

I know I've done this before... but without practice it takes some time tyo figure it out again. If the video comes out then its a success... if not, well then, I'll try it again.

This is just a funny video... one of the many that made these brothers somewhat famous in the Philippines. They are now part of a tv comedy show in the Philippines.

The next video is the one that made this guys dream a reality. He is now the lead singer (Arnel Pineda) of the band Journey.

my Zoho experience


Ah! The wonders of technology. Using this tool had been easy because it allowed me to log in using my yahoo account, elliminating the need to create a new one. Hooray! Sometimes, just to create a new account, no matter how easy can also be time consuming.

Obviously, I'm trying this new thing (looks suspiciously similar to Google) for the 13 Things seminar. The interface itself is much like MS Word (is it?), only online. Not to mention it gives you the option to directly post it to your blog, how cool is that? It does automatic save too, very useful for me since I always forget to save my work.

I would have to agree with Deb C on this one. It needs to be explored further to determine how best to utilize it.

It seems funny that I've always said I know nothing about Web 2.0, but here I am discovering that most of what Web 2.0 has is the almost the same thing that I've been using before... only online. Hmmm... I wonder if that is perhaps the main difference.

Flickr power!

I love Flickr! Though admittedly, it was my friend who forced me to open an account so we can post a lot of photos on the web... Of course I only have the freebie account so the features that I can use are limited. But no matter, it serves its purpose.

This is a photo I took to mark my first sunrise in NYC. It felt very strange waking up and having to take a moment to figure out where I was.